Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice (with recipes)

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen might be a classic, but as I was reading the copy that just arrived here, I had no memory of ever reading it before. Maybe I read it in school. Or maybe my education was lacking.


Anyway, THIS particular version of Pride and Prejudice has recipes from Martha Stewart in it. Yup. You heard me. Recipes.

I previously reviewed A Christmas Carol, that was done in much the same way. It's an interesting concept.

So anyway, back to Pride and Prejudice. I must have read this in school, right? Eh, maybe not. In any case, I enjoyed reading it this time. It's old-fashioned enough to seem like a completely different world, which I guess it was. It was, as they used to say, charming.

And I didn't have to write an essay about it.

Like the previous book, this has artwork that on close inspection (or sometimes from afar) is actually food. The flowers would look right at home on a cake, and the cookies look quite tasty.

The included recipes are classics, and they fit well with the theme of the book. There are linzer hearts, macarons, petits fours, and my personal favorite, chocolate shortbread fingers. I haven't made that recipe yet, but it's on my must-do list for sure. Or maybe I'll do the fruit turnovers first. Those look pretty darned good too. Or the ginger icebox cake.

This would be a nice gift for any book lover you know. Even if they have a previous edition, this one has recipes. And that's never a bad thing.

I got this book at no cost to me.

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